The public body, the Public Information Security Agency (Visuomenės Informacinio Saugumo Agentūra – VISA), is an objective information flow expert, unaffected by politics, interest groups, or busineses, working out of vocation and love for the Homeland, whose assessments can be trusted.
The target audience is a hesitant, undecided, but conscious part of society who wants to receive reliable, accurate, and objective information.
The vision – a society resistant to information challenges, able to critically evaluate information presented in public space.
The mission of the Agency is to provide expert opinion to the public understandably and clearly, to develop its citizenship and awareness.
Tasks of the institution – information activities: video broadcasts, articles, analyzing threats, events, topical issues, preparation of educational programs, expert participation in the most important events for the society, providing an objective analysis of them.
Our goal was to create a recognizable symbol (logo), as well as a visual identity, communicating defense, security (shield), information literacy (pen), accurate intelligence (hawk).
Associations with commercialism, politics, and profit-seeking had to be avoided. Follow the slogan: “Ense et aratro!” (Sword and feather).