Preparation of summaries of scientific reports of students’ communication campaign “Growing Lithuania” of the communication campaign “Lithuanian Council of Science – Informing about the Action Program”.
During the implementation of “Development of Scientific Competence of Scientists, Other Researchers, Students through Practical Scientific Activities” and “Development of Students’ Abilities to Perform R&D (Art Research) Activities”, it is planned to prepare summaries of the scientific conference “Student Scientific Conference 2021”. These summaries are published on the Council’s website in PDF format.
Task: Design and layout services for this electronic publication. Two hundred twenty-two summaries of scientific reports with illustrations.
When performing design and layout services, it was necessary to follow the stylebook of the Lithuanian Science Council, the guide to the use of the EU funds investment label for 2014–2020.
All created services must comply with the requirements for publicity: the Law on Public Information of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Advertising of the Republic of Lithuania, other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, and the EU related to publicity media production services.